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        The Poodle is one of the most known breeds, and there are three sizes of them: the Standard (the biggest), the Miniature (the medium) and the Toy (the smallest).  They are originally from Germany, and they were originally water dogs.  The strangest thing about this breed is that the coat is single as doesn’t shed, which is unusual, and most breeds shed. Both genders of all three versions are the same size and weight.  The Standard is 15 inches, although there are many taller, and they weigh 66-55 pounds, while the smaller Miniature is 11-15 inches and weighs 13 pounds, while the still smaller Toy’s maximum height is 11 inches, and they weigh 10 pounds.  Their coats are huge, and can be colored a rare apricot, or less rare white, cream, blue, silver, chocolate or black.  They are good companions, no matter what size you choose, and are especially those who have given up hope of dogs because of allergies.