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Japanese Shiba Inu


        The Japanese Shiba Inu is alike the Japanese Akita in detail, for he also has the curled tail and prick ears, but this breed is also the smallest of the Japanese breeds, and he is of ancient origin.  He is also an intelligent dog, for he will think out a plan until he gets what he wants. He is not such of a guard dog, for he will spot an invader without making a big fuss out of it.  The male is 15½ inches tall, and the female is 14 inches tall.  They aren’t very heavy, with both genders of the breed weighing 18-22 pounds.  Their coat is of the same density s the Akita, but the Shiba Inu’s coat is colored in pairs including red and black, tan and black, or brindle.  They aren’t quite as dominating as the Akita in behavior, but instead they are intelligent and bright, and they love learning!